Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Dear Friends, 

Serge - j'espère que vous lisez ceci. Vous êtes généreux et un véritable ambassadeur de bonne volonté. Appuyez sur le bouton traduire sur ce blog. Rechercher sur le droit et choisissez "Français" pour lire le blog. Votre ami – Fritz 

View From My Hotel Window in Lourdes
When I last left you I was being chauffeured around San Sebastian, Spain in an articulated bus at 11:20 pm on a Saturday night.  Since then I have been to Pamplona, my last post, then to Lourdes, France, Andorra, and now back to Collioure, France on the Mediterranean.


As you have probably noted, I am the recipient of acts of kindness from complete strangers. Remember the cop in San Sebastian? A great guy. Then there was the bus driver. Also a great guy.

Well, today I was in France and another great guy came into my life. If you will look back in my blogs you will see where I managed to dump the bike in the first 20 seconds of the trip and smack my right ribs pretty well. The wreck also trashed part of my brand new, never been to Vegas, Caribou luggage system. It has the well-earned reputation of being indestructible, unless I am riding. So I cracked the hinge and lid on the right pannier. Rick was anxious to get the tour underway. So I put a piece of duct tape on the part, smacked the hinge pin back straight with a punch and hammer; and got under way.

Damaged Pannier After Rivets and Repairs - See the crack?

As I rode along I could see that the crack was getting a tad longer and that surgery was needed. So I was looking for a scooter shop with a drill and a shop this afternoon. There was none, but the Renault service dealer here in Collioure was open so I went in to see if they might be able to lend me a drill and cut a piece of aluminum. The owner is Serge Daider. He speaks no English, and I speak less French. His wife (I think she is his wife) spoke enough English to understand I needed some shop work. So I came back with the pannier. Serge and I had a discussion that consisted of looking at the crack and coming to the same conclusion. I needed a scab to bind the plastic and keep it from spreading.
Serge Daider - Generous Businessman
Well Serge had a bit of aluminum on hand, which I cut. But no nuts and bolts small enough. But I saw some rivets, and he drilled and riveted the pieces as I put pressure on the lid to force the crack together.  And it worked. I still need to find some filler or adhesive to repair the hinge, and make the lid completely waterproof. But the repair is good enough to make it to Mongolia.


When I went to pay Serge he would not take anything. So the next time someone says the French do not like Americans, I will reply “bullshit, I know a guy in Collioure France who is a great guy. And he showed great kindness to a clueless aging American without any thought of reward.”

Now for some pictures of the rides through the Pyrenees. Andorra was wonderful, but we had a time finding the hotel.

High and Cold
Slopes Still In Operation - Can you say "Apres  Ski"

Just Another  Hairpin Curve


  1. I hope you are journaling what doesn't make the blog. Great story.

  2. I Fritz, your trip is amazing like always, enjoy your trip. Is it the same bike to your trip to South America?
    Marta from Buenos Aires

  3. Fritz, I think your last post was the 8th, need more info. I'm living my life thru you. if nothing else I need to know if the weather is any better.
    Flower boy, Omaha
    That ought to get some comments!
